
East and North: Take I-90 West to Exit 55 (Rt. 219 Expressway South/Springville). Get on to Rt. 219S. Exit expressway onto Rt. 39 East. Go 2.5 mi. and we are located on the right. Sign posted.

West: Take I-90 East to Exit 59/Dunkirk. After tollbooth, left at light. Go to 2nd traffic light and turn left onto Rt 20., approximately 3 miles bear right onto Route 39 East. After coming into Springville, 2.5 mi. on the right. Sign posted.

South: Take Rt. 86 East to exit 21/Salamanca/Rt. 219 North. Follow Rt. 219N for 25 miles to Rt. 39E, make a right. Go 2 mi. and we are located on the right. Sign posted.